100x the Gift (Video Reaction BigDawsTV)

The YouTube algorithm just gets me. It understands how much I love big money giveaway videos. Like Drake’s music video for “God’s Plan”.

And it happened again. While absentmindedly browsing stuff to watch, this video pops up titled “Asking Strangers For Money, Then Giving Them 100x What They Give Me” (great title by the way).

Watch the video, then let’s talk.

Here are my bullet-point reactions, not necessarily one coherent story:

  • The Twist: I’ve seen a lot of giving videos, but really enjoyed this twist on it. Letting people reveal their true giving hearts, then seeing them be blessed in return. None of them expecting anything in return.
  • BigDawsTV. Can’t believe there are still more big YouTubers I’ve never heard of. He mostly creates prank videos, Like dressing up as a grandpa and beating kids at pickup basketball, awkwardly staring or sitting next to people, and even pretending to be the Warriors’ Klay Thompson and taking selfie’s with fans who don’t know any better. But he also created these giving videos. One was tipping thousands of dollars to food service workers, another included paying more for Craigslist items than they asked for, and even giving delivery drivers the new PS5. But…
  • The video above is one my favorites of all because it reveals something that we hope is true about most of us… that we are givers at heart.
  • Cash. I’m actually shocked that anyone actually has cash on them anymore. That might make it even more shocking they gave it away, or perhaps easier to give because they didn’t realize they had it in their wallet to begin with?
  • So many Givers. Not sure exactly how long he’s out on the street asking for money, but it seems more like it was only one day and not a series of several. So many people gave in what I guess is a short span of time.
  • They came back.The people that said no, then came back minutes later…. And it happened over and over again. I imagine that maybe in the moment it came out of nowhere and took them by surprise, and after walking away started thinking more about helping this (not so) poor guy. Crazy that they had basically bypassed the awkward situation, yet still came back.
  • The dude who asked. Was taken aback by the guy who says he has cancer asking for money after he sees that someone is giving away stacks of cash. Yet, Big Daws still gives him even more than the rest of the people…
  • Flying away. Then the dude drops all the money and starts walking away without it… 🤦🏻.
  • Honk. One of my favorites scenes is when the girl comes back and pulls up in her car. Then as Daws is giving her the money, someone else coming the other direction honks the horn, yelling “Get out of the road.” They are completely missing out on the moment.
  • Pass It On. The girl who passes on the gift and it goes to a man on the street… 👏👏👏

So, what was your favorite part of the video?

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